The cost of the nationwide JRP - *Information was taken off the following website http://www.japanrailpass.net and was accurate at the point of publishing.
Type: Green Green Ordinary Ordinary
Duration: Adult Child Adult Child
7-day 37,800 YEN 18,900 YEN 28,300 YEN 14,150 YEN
14-day 61,200 YEN 30,600 YEN 45,100 YEN 22,550 YEN
21-day 79,600 YEN 39,800 YEN 57,700 YEN 28,850 YEN
* The above pass is useful if you are planning to cover more than one region in Japan.
* If you are planning to stay at one location, you may want to consider purchasing one of the following pass instead.
Hokkaido Rail Pass
JR East Pass
JR West Kansai Pass
JR West Sanyo Pass
Kyushu Rail Pass
* A useful website which can help you evaluate whether it is cost efficient for you to buy the Japan Rail Pass is the Hyperdia Site

Here are simple steps on how to navigate the site:
You will find the Search Engine at the Left Hand Side of the website
From (Please key in the Location)
To (Please key in the Location)
*the destination will come out when you key in the initial alphabets of the location.
Date (Please Select the date)
Time (Please Select the time)
Type (Please Select)
Hit the search button and the Search Details will be shown.
*For greater accuracy, do scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the correct mode of transport. The cost per route is also shown, which allows you to calculate whether it is economically viable for you to purchase the rail pass.
*The advantage for non japanese speaking, is that you can just copy down the timing, changing station, final destination and type of train and show it to the ticketing officer. It minimises confusion and mistakes during the booking process
Points to note:
1) The JRP covers the narita express but PLEASE remember to book your ticket for the train at the ticket office. None of the carriages are un-reserve and you cannot get on the train without a ticket.
* Prior to picking up passengers from Tokyo Station, the Narita Express also stops at Shinjuku and Shibuya Station. Therefore if you are staying closer to these stations, it maybe more convenient to board the train from there.
2) If you plan to buy the JRP, in order to save on transport cost in Osaka and Tokyo. Do book a hotel/hostel at the stops covered by the JRP.
3)You can purchase the JRP at the JAL Overseas Offices. Here's the link - http://www.japanrailpass.net/eng/en005.html
(Please select the region which you are located)
4) Activation of the JRP, can be done at the ticket office at the airport. When you are queuing, do remember to fill in exchange order form at the ticket office.
5) Based on my purchasing experience in Singapore, I realised that different JAL Offices quoted me different exchange rates. Paying in cash, will also give you a better rate than paying by credit card.